Group Work


Once group assignments are live, you can find your group assignment on LEARN. Groups will consist of 3 to 4 students plus a second year mentor, and if at all possible, at least one group member will be from a different country than the others.

The second year mentor will meet with you once a week to provide input and support you in your work. They will be able to spend more time with you at the start of your project; towards the end of your project, they will be working on their own thesis proposal, and will have their own coursework and exam deadlines, therefore they will have less time. Budget wisely, and do as much as possible early on!


Week 6
Agree on an idea, and summarise it in a couple of short paragraphs (LEARN submission)
Week 7
Conduct user research (this may involve paper and pen prototypes)
Weeks 8+9
Build your prototype (this may involve more user research)
Week 10
User testing (this may lead you to tweak your prototype)
Week 11
Present your prototype (LEARN submission)
Week 12
Group Report due (LEARN submission)

For information about deadlines and the assessment of group work, please refer back to the Course Handbook.